The Simple Guide To Owning A Bird (Singaporean Edition)

Pet Bird Needs

So…It’s time to include a feathered friend into your loving family. It would be best to have information like the habits and a birds’ dietary needs. Search no further as this is your go-to guide to owning a bird, Singaporean Edition!

First off, to understand a bird’s way of life here is some essential information for you to consider before having a bird.

1.Cage Or No Cage

Cage Or No CageLet’s presume we’re talking about captive-bred birds. Cages are essential in making avian animals feel safe, especially when they have a corner to reside in. It is imperative to have a cloth cover to haul over the cage, and this helps your bird relax better, masking the sounds and noisy environment around them.

A Rectangular Cage is always better if you have the space for it.


Entertainment For BirdBirds, just like us humans, need an ample amount of entertainment to stay social. Although much lesser than us, they require you to provide gentle interactions with them throughout the day or invest in specific toys suitable for avian creatures like these.


Bird DietsUnlike their darker lookalikes, the crow and pigeons, captive-bred flyers don’t eat anything they see or shouldn’t. Certain foods are toxic to them, so do keep in mind what is lying around in the house.

Some examples commonly found in Singaporean Houses:

  • Tobacco and Alcohol
  • Peanuts and Bean Related Foods
  • Avocado, Olives, and Tomatoes
  • Eggplant, Asparagus, and Mushrooms
  • Onions and Garlic
  • Dairy Products
  • Meats
  • Raw Honey
  • Seeds of Fruits

Other than that, fruits are generally okay in moderation. Do keep in mind to check online first.

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4.Household Changes

Bird Household ChangesA significant concern for having a flying creature at home is ceiling fans, which might be a factor in determining if you’re ready to own a bird. However, if you’re careful, it should be fine in most cases. Following is a list of things that needs to be addressed if you’re ready to own a bird.

Ceiling Fans

Birds flying in-house perceive things differently from you and me. Getting hurt when flying into a fan is a subject of worry.


Second-hand smoke is considered harmful for humans and pets alike. Always wash your hands followed by a change of clothes before handling your pet bird.

Reflective Surfaces Like Glass

Shiny and transparent surfaces like glass windows and doors might result in an extra bump on your birds head.

Small, Stringy Items

Birds tend to chew on things without a care in the world, and this might lead to intestinal blockages. Mind where you place your carpets and other fabric items.

Scented Objects

Sprays and scents might be harmful to your pet bird. Watch your surrounding before using.

Caffeinated Drinks

Refrain from letting your pet bird near any source of caffeine. Although it helps us focus, the increased heart rate activity may cause cardiac arrest for tiny animals.

Are you ready for a companion after reading through the initial points? If so, carry on reading.


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Original price was: $10.50.Current price is: $8.90.
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Original price was: $8.45.Current price is: $6.80.

What You Require Before Bringing Home A Pet Bird

Pet Bird NeedsBirds are not high-maintenance pets like dogs are, and they require far fewer interactions daily and less food. Here are some items you need to prepare before bringing home a pet bird.


Birds need to stretch their wings now and then, and please provide them with a home that is at least twice the wingspan of your adult pet bird. Also, a cage can last a long time. Always choose the best possible combination that suits your feathered partner.

Choices like stainless steel and cages designed to fit accessories are plentiful.

Larger cages are not for every home. So please ascertain that you’re ready before deciding to bring a pet bird home.

2.Cage Liners

They are more important than you think. Cage liners help you clean easier while spotting abnormal symptoms in your bird’s poop (that’s one of the ways to tell if they’re sick).

Some budget-friendly or common alternatives in Singaporean Households include:

  • Newspapers
  • Copier Paper
  • Paper Towels (Kitchen Towels)
  • A Big Piece Of Mahjong Paper

Please refrain from using anything else as they might unknowingly injure/harm your pet. The rule of thumb is whenever you’re unsure, avoid.


Every living being needs to have some fun. Toys are an indispensable part of a bird’s life as they provide enrichment, interaction and help them stay intellectually stimulated. Avoid cotton toys as they might become a source of indigestion for birds.

Here are three notes for you to think like a bird(when purchasing toys)

  1. Toys help mimic the natural foraging movements of birds in the wild (shredding, chewing, preening, and climbing).
  2. Birds chew to manage their anxiety and also to prevent self-mutilation.
  3. Toys can help prevent the chewing of wires and other items that may be hazardous to their health.

Whenever you’re purchasing a toy, think of these three points.

4.A Preferred Avian Vet 

Having an Avian Vet on hand is better than sourcing one on google. If any emergencies happen, you know the steps rather than panicking. Save their number in your smartphone and whoever is residing with you.

This blog post should cover most of the important parts of handling a pet bird in Singapore. If you have any more questions, feel free to contact us.

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