5 Pets you can consider if you’re working 9-5 on a weekday (No dogs or cats included)

Small Pet

Dogs and cats might be the go-to pets for many in Singapore due to availability and cuddle-worthy hugs. For many others, including the workaholics that have little to no time, smaller-sized pets are super to foster as well. Small, palm-sized creatures are great when you need a companion who doesn’t need much care. 

However, that doesn’t mean we encourage neglect. We promote responsibility towards caring for your pets, as much as caring for yourself. Because why?

We all love our pets like family! So try not to leave them all alone at home.

Here are 5 Pets you can consider if you’re working 9-5 on a weekday. (No dogs or cats included)



Who can resist these cute and snuggly furballs that fit in your palm? Hailed as “everyone’s first pet,” these furry creatures are ready to be adopted and cared for by adults and children alike. Whether Syrian or Dwarf, hamsters are incredibly lovable and curious despite the occasional nibbles they give. They also make fantastic escape artists if you’re in for a round of “find the hamster” every week.

As nocturnal and preferable alone creatures, the most crucial aspect to keeping hamsters, if you are thinking more than one, is to segregate them in separate cages to prevent fighting and breeding. These speedy balls of fur do enjoy a good run about their private abode and look cute stuffed full of food. To keep your hamster engaged when you’re away, always include hamster wheels as they are a good form of exercise for them.

If a hamster is what you’ve always wanted as a companion, do take note as they need a weekly clean up, cage included as well as enticing, hamster-friendly chewies such as Bunny Nature HamsterDream Expert or Bunny Nature Dwarf HamsterDream Expert.

Remember that not every hamster, Syrian or Dwarf, would consume the same type of meals. Dwarfs would typically eat meals that consisted of mealworms, unlike the Syrian hamsters.

Original price was: $6.40.Current price is: $5.40.
Original price was: $7.80.Current price is: $6.60.
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Original price was: $12.50.Current price is: $9.90.
Original price was: $7.80.Current price is: $6.60.
Original price was: $11.50.Current price is: $9.20.



Gerbils are similar to the hamsters written above, but they are more agile and have a longer and furrier tail than a mouse. They primarily enjoy the company of other gerbils and are easily tamed, which means they’ll play nice when you need them to

One significant aspect of gerbils is that they love to dig. Burrowing into a tank filled with bedding makes them incredibly hard to spot. But once you do, you’ll enjoy watching as much as they explore.

A recommended habitat for gerbils is a glass tank the size of an aquarium. Fill it up with gerbil bedding (hay, aspen shavings, and paper-based bedding) and add a wire-mesh cage at the top.

Gerbils need a clean tank every two or three weeks. Perfect for those who are avid travellers. However, we do not encourage leaving your lovely pets at home all alone, do leave them with a friend or family to have people monitoring them.

Wheels. Wheels. Wheels. Gerbils and hamsters love running so much they tend to fly out of their wheels. So getting them a wheel will keep them engaged if you’re away for some time. Others can include:

  1. Tunnels
  2. Consistent Petting (Show them some love!)
  3. Hamster balls (If you’re letting them out for the first time)
  4. A plethora of chew toys

3.Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pig

Often known as “gluttons,” these affectionate and sociable creatures have a big appetite for food, as well as love. Guinea pigs are much larger than hamsters and gerbils but offer much more as well. If you’re looking for a pet that you can cuddle with and perhaps learn a trick or two, they are perfect.

Guinea pigs are sociable creatures. If you aren’t home as much, it would be advisable to adopt two instead of just one, so they can keep each other company.

Guinea pigs need a clean cage every week, but they might spend time cuddling you more, so maybe as long as two.

As said above, guinea pigs are sociable creatures. So the first step is to place their cage in the busiest area of the house. Exciting things you can give them to play include:

  1. Crumpled paper
  2. Recycled Cardboard tunnels
  3. Obstacle courses
  4. Fruits (do limit them to 2-3 times a week as they are high in sugar)



Having a chinchilla means having a friend for life. They live up to 20 years! If you’re ever smitten, buy one and decide to take them home, be responsible!

These nocturnal furballs are curious by nature and easily contented running around your house if it’s proofed. Chinchillas prefer a cooler environment, meaning they should be kept indoors, most of the time anyway.

Chinchillas need a clean environment once a week, and this means more work on your end. You need to provide a dust bath that is readily accessible (at least twice a week).

Chinchillas need mental and physical stimulation to remain cheerful and healthy. Here are some tips for implementing when you’re away:

  1. They love to jump and climb
  2. Get them a nesting box (to sleep and feel secure)
  3. Hammocks are one way for them to relax
  4. Chew sticks
  5. Tunnels to burrow 
  6. Chinchillas have hamster wheels too
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Original price was: $6.80.Current price is: $5.44.
Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.20.
Original price was: $6.00.Current price is: $5.10.



For those of you wondering why rabbits are not on the list? They are! Rabbits are one of the most popular choices in Singapore and a whopping 45 different breeds.

Rabbits are cuddly, fluffy pets that are generally timider than the rest. If you have any experience handling rabbits, you should quickly realise that they do not like being picked up. However, once rabbits get accustomed to your habits and love, they tend to stick to you like glue. Rabbits can roam freely in your home as well, provided that you take extra care in where you step while giving litter training.

So if you’re looking for a companion that immediately comes to you looking for food, rabbits are your next best friend.

Special care is needed to raise rabbits correctly. You will need to schedule an appointment to sterilise your bunny and groom their handsome fur once a week. Provide fresh vegetables to keep them in optimum health because it’s only natural to feed them the best.

Keeping bunnies happy and healthy is easy even when you’re away. Here are some tips for doing that:

  1. Stash food away around them, keep them engaged in a treasure hunt
  2. Toys, platforms, and raw untreated wood logs to gnaw on
  3. Potty training also counts as engagement

Tips on caring for smaller animals

Our friendly staff here at PetMall have included a few tips and tricks for when your pet has found a furever home.

  1. Always keep your pet’s water dish or bottle fresh and replace it daily before you head to bed.
  2. Ensure a proper diet for them and read up about any hazardous food they may not consume.
  3. Constantly interact with your pets daily if possible. They need you more than you need them. 
  4. Cleanliness is of utmost importance. Remember to clean their cages before the disputed time. And if you’re heading overseas, do ensure to clean their cages before that.

We strongly encourage every reader and pet owner to care for their pets properly. Pets rely more on us and always remember the responsibility before purchasing or adopting one.


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